Doug The AC Guy TACLB34855E owns He explains why it is best to select a Trane Premier® Dealer for the best air conditioner value.
The cost to operate your new HVAC system will be greater than the original purchase price. The challenge for your air conditioning contractor is to satisfy your needs. In general higher SEER cooling equipment costs more at the outset. Then over a period of time energy savings make it the cheapest option. Studies show that energy savings and the premium factory warranty on high end equipment will cost the homeowner the least over the long run.
So how does this apply to the real world? Trane Dealers can find the balance between the lowest priced air conditioning and money-saving high efficiency models. This process is unique for each home and its owner. Budget, length of time in the home, and existing HVAC equipment can be factors.
Dallas Trane Dealers can easily arrange financing which allows customers to buy pricier equipment and realize greater energy savings. The air conditioner helps pay for itself. In the meantime clients enjoy the greater comfort of premium HVAC units and benefit from higher home resale values. Your Trane dealer can explain options that are right for you.
For some customers the length of time they expect to be in their home comes into play. The dealer may be able to upgrade certain components in the HVAC system. This will fix any immediate issues. It can also allow the dealer to select equipment that is useable with the new generation refrigerant R-410a. The home owner can then add other current generation components later that are compatible.
Lastly, your Dallas Trane Dealer can recommend units that minimize some of the cooling issues found in older homes. Two speed systems and variable speed furnaces can eliminate the need for ductwork revisions and other expensive upgrades. The comfort levels achieved with this equipment is almost astonishing. Your authorized Trane Dealer can present the products best suited to each home owner’s needs,
Find a factory authorized Trane dealer. Have him present a proposal that fits your budget and addresses your HVAC Concerns. Then get bids from two other authorized dealers. Think about it and choose the best deal in Dallas on an air conditioner for you.
Doug Stephens aka Doug The AC Guy operates in Dallas, Texas, is a Trane Premier® dealer. He specializes in custom replacement of residential HVAC systems.